In order to get some better overview on the intensity of tweeting in the different countries and regions, we wanted to find out, for example, which regions house the most tweets in general. Another point was to find out how many of All the tweets in an area are really about a financial topic. Below a first impression of the tweet distribution in the most "tweet-active" region, which equals basically the UK and the Netherlands. Each tweet in the next picture tweet is visualised by a single yellow point, but since the density so so high the patterns most of the time appear kind of "redish".
Screenshot of the most tweet intensive areas, the more red - the more tweets |
To get some regionalisation, we created a 10x10 km Raster-Grid, spanning over the individual countries, as you can already see in the picture above.
The original data table of this Raster-net was then attributed two more
fields, containing the numbers for ALL the tweets in the individual
10x10 km - Regions (screenshot above), as well as financial-tweets
only. In the next screenshot you can see an example for the UK & the Netherlands, showing basically the number of tweets per 10km² - area (the sum of all tweets for timespane of february).
Intensity of tweets in the area, averaged to the 10km² Grid-Cells |
Next you see the comparison to the FINANCIAL - related tweets ONLY. Since the money-related tweets make up only a rather small part of all tweets, I had to adjust the class ranges and colorscheme in this next screenshot:
Intensity of tweets - Financial topics only
Below you can see some other areas of europe - mostly no hotspots (only in the north of course), but nevertheless important to get a good overview. As you can see the colorscheme and its class ranges stay the same for all maps, in order to make a comparison of the individual areas easier.
Financial tweets in central europe.
After the south of the UK (area around London) & the Netherlands, the area around Paris is kind of a hotspot when it comes to tweets. A peak is also visible in northern Italy - in the area of Milan. Germanys tweet-capital seems to be Berlin.
Financial tweets in south-western europe |
In Spain we can see the main three peaks in the areas of Madrid, as well as Barcelona and Valentia.
Financial tweets in south-eastern regions |
Italy has its hotspot in the area around its the capital and it seems to be the same with greece - so no real surprises here. What comes to the eye though, is that the tweet intesity lies back behind areas like London, the Netherlands or Paris.
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